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Accidental Fire Destroys Alabama Firehouse

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I was skimming through and came across this article,

Imagine that you are toned to respond for a structure fire at your quarters. We'd all look at our pagers for a moment and say "What did they say". Your department is toned again to reconfirm that there in fact is a working fire IN your firehouse.

Members of the Hay Valley Volunteer Fire Department responded to such a call. They lost EVERYTHING, firehouse, equipment and their only engine (which was donated to them because of lack of funds).

This is a department with an annual budget of what some of us make in a month or two. I'm working on details of where to send donations, etc. If you find out something regarding where to send donations, drop a post here.

Remember, if such a tragic thing would happend to one of our houses, there would be help coming in from everywhich direction. Let's do the right thing.

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