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Animal Rescue In Hartsdale

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At 11:55 am a man rings the door bell at station one. HE proceeds to bang on the bay doors and screaming that theres an emergency. As Capt. Spinelli, Lt. Mentrasti, Lt. Liberatore exited the station to see what was going on. We all witnessed 9 geese crossing central avenue into chase manhattan bank at 23 south central avenue. The officers came up with a plan and we decided to use tools that we dont normally carry on our rig. Pots pans and spoons did the trick. We made as much noise as we could to herd the 7 babies and thier parents back across central avenue into the scarsdale golf club. Traffic was backed up for a mile. They all were honking and were in a rush to get somewhere. If they knew why we were stopping traffic, they would of felt the same way we all did. Good.

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very good job tim :D =D> 8)

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