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From: Need for municiapl paramedics

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What a biased and misleading editorial!!! Thank you WAS for providing some true and reliable facts.

The article also fails to mention the diffence in CALL VOLUME and POPULATION of the Yorktown and Mount Pleasant cars, BOTH of which cover a large area and multiple jurisdictions.

And why do you need a paramedic on every call? That is RIDICULOUS as well! What happened to strong BLS being the foundation of EMS?

I can't believe the author is continuing with the propaganda, fueled by a personal issue with the current provider. There are several problems here, and the best solution is certainly not as straightfoward as the author would like you to believe. Also, why was the author so against WEMS stationing a car in New Castle as a possible proposed solution? Hmmmm. If we're so concerned about the consoritum, why not work to make it better, instead of wanting to play by yourself? Certainly, there are tremendous advantages to the current system, as well as drwabacks, but given the state of EMS in this county, the author should make some realizations....

Edited by N1Medic

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