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Responsible Conduct

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This isn't a response to any one post or thread... but rather a response to a theme that I see developing....

There are several threads that have come across the board in the past few months where individuals have taken the point of view on saftey and other similar topics that it is their choice to do what they want, and if something happens there is no one to blame but themselves... So what's the big deal?

It's a very big deal and here is why..... No matter what it is that you are doing, when you are a member of an organization, ultimatly that organization and it's leaders are responsible for your actions. Boy Scouts, Fire Department, VFW, or even a major corporation's leaders are held accountable for their subordinates actions. For example, the Duke University Lacrosse Coach was forced to resign because of the way that his players were conducting themselves off the field. There have been several instances of public officials who have been forced from their posts (Fire Chief's included) because their men (women too) were doing things that were considered inappropriate or unsafe.

We as emergency services providers, when we gather amongst ourselves for sports, vacation, beers at the pub, etc aren't just looked at as a bunch of blokes getting together for fun that did something inappropriate, the press looks for the first common element amongst us to title us. It's not a bar brawl started by a bunch of 30 year old Westchester residents, but rather a bar brawl that was started by a bunch of XYZ Firefighters.... And guess who law enforcement or the press is going to want to put on camera to expain what happened.... The Chief... Who is going to be the first person fired, stripped of command, or charged with a crime for lack of oversight... you guessed it, The Chief.

So my point is, that before we all go and decide to do something that on the surface looks like a personal choice to take a risk, lets take a step back and see what the real long term ramifications are when the crap hits the fan. You may be putting other people at risk who aren't even present for whatever stunt you are about to pull.

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good topic!! i have stated in all my Firefighter 1 classes that I teach. when you are waring that shirt. coat, hat, jacket, helmet, or what ever, if it has a F.D. label, ,logo or any thing that resembles a F.D. You should remember that the whole fire service is in that logo. not just your department- do not do Any thing to harm the imiage.

Ther has been way too much blood shed, and dieing in the fire service to have some one F***it up for the rest of us..

Heres an example-- months ago ther was a member of the public-not even living in Westchester in fact he hadent lived in Westchester for many years and no longer a memebr of a fire department--he was arrested. some internet thing with kids---- know what the local channel 12 had as a head line--- WESTCHESTER FIREFIGHTER ARRESTED FOR CHILD p***. when he was arrested he was waring a F.D. shirt. enough said

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