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From: Parade Mentality Gone Wild....

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That does seem a bit harsh , although my current companies By Laws read that if you posses a company uniform you must attend at least one uniformed event or surrender it

I know we're all sick and tired of hearing about different issues with parades, but I have a whole new, crazy one.

Recently, I heard of a member who didn't want to go to the large number of parades with his department because he'd rather spend the time training or doing other things. This department, in their bylaws, requires that all members attend all parades. I believe their is a fine, suspension, or expulsion for not attending parades.

According to what I have heard, this member was "punished" for his, in my opinion, progressive anti-traditon views by other members who threated to withold training from him.

In this day and age, should departments mandate volunteer firefighters to attend parades? Especially those departments who don't mandate or require training? And those departments that are hurting for manpower to begin with, or complaining there is too much time needed for training?

Is it just me, or is mandating members to attend parades crazy? Moreso, how can departments punish firefighters for not attending parades, especially when they are very active on the firematic side?  I'm disgusted with this mentality, and I'm disgusted with those who bully the new people in the fire service into going with this mentality.

When and where will it end?

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