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Guest bibbles10504

911 system?

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Hi, I have a quick question. I am doing a project at school where I need to talk about the 911 system. I am a firefighter so I know a lot about this topic all ready, but the problem I am having is I need to find sources (books, or something published) that back up the information that I know all ready. Does anyone have information on some books that I could look at that talks about 911 system?


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This is the report by President Johnson's Commission on Law Enforcement and

Administration of Justice. It is the report that made the recomendation of a single emergency police phone number.

This has a ton of info in regard to 911 and also has some dates of other countries emergency numbers and what they use. Which on a side note is more practical. Britain- 999

Australia 000

New Zealand 111

Whats in a number? It has been proven that people under intense psychological stress lose fine and complex motor control and can have difficulty properly dialing a telephone. A single triple digit number assists in reducing those difficulties.

This is discussed in Lt. Col. Bill Grossman's "On Combat" which highlights physiological problems encountered with increased heart rates during flight or fight reactions of the human body when effected by psychological stress.

I have a few more but I think these will help. I did a paper myself on 911 and emergency numbers, its history, implementation in Westchester County, its problems and how to fix it. And no sorry you can't have a copy.

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