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Seems to be something whacky going on with the board. The post times are all off and it won't let you list new messages. Keeps throwing back the "flood control enabled" message, no matter how long you wait. I've seen this before with an IPB board, don't remember if it was here or not though. Hopefully it'll clear itself up soon.

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Seems to be working normally now.

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Actually, it seems there may have been a hiccup in the server's time, which I have no control over which threw things off.

Seems to be ok now.

As for the flood control when querying new topics, that happens every now and was an issue for me on the FirePics board.

Depending on how the SMF software does, I'm considering that for the next generation here. Otherwise, knock on wood, the Invision software has treated me well.

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As for the flood control when querying new topics, that happens every now and was an issue for me on the FirePics board.

Ah that's right, that's where it was happening to me once in awhile.

BTW, the reason the flood control freaks out is because the server time is ahead of the actual time, so no matter how long you wait to display a new search, it's still stuck in the future. Or something like that. laugh.gif

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