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Mount Vernon Being Blocked Out?

3 posts in this topic

This was posted in another thread. I split it into this thread, so we could avoid getting off topic and I can address this question.

the origanal call was for a investagation of smoke for engine 4 then filled out assingment.

I gotta ask the board here , is mount vernon being blocked out ,cause Ive been trying to post and have gotten blown out numerous times??

I was called in because of my past post and they were taken to the law dept. with the city, should this be true I would like to know.

I could be all wrong on this but I dont put anything past the city because of their lets not make noise attitude, this way everything is okay.

If there are issues that need to be corrected and the brothers on this forum can help, that's one of the reasons this forum is provided.

No one has been blocked out or censored here, the only time we will delete or edit posts is when they violate the forum rules, such as bashing an agency or person, or posting confidential information, posting nonsense etc.

If an agency or official requests a post or thread be deleted, then we will address that on a case by case basis depending on a variety of factors, and the member will be notified.

When something is posted constructively, in a positive manner, this forum will support that thread as best as we can in hopes that change will occur from stemming from the forms of communication this forum provides.

We want this forum to make the local Fire,EMS and PD services better, but don't want this forum used as a rantfest.

We are against the whole "keep things quiet and everythings ok" policies of many departments, and want to work against that, yet again don't want to turn this forum into a rantfest, nor do we want anyone hiding behind a screen name to run amuck on here. There are rules to this forum, and posting is a privledge, not a right. I know some people hate me because of the moderation of this forum, but I feel the moderation is one of the things that sets this forum apart from the others.

If you'd like to discuss further, post on this thread or always feel free to contact me at Due to the large volume of emails I recieve, my response may be delayed.

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I'd like to also add this forum isn't for the airing of greivances- for just the airing of greivances and that's it.

Let's save that for the upcoming Festivus holiday.

The pole is up in the EMTBravo office!

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Guys your right on target

I just love this job and all I have the honor of working with.

When I air out a topic its because one day I dont want read how we lost 4 guys.

I hope that one day we can figure out how to address these issues.

I beleave this forum is a place to start. you have such a powerfull tool here so you must realize why I would use it as such.

But I also dont want to be a distraction for other topics.

Thanks again for all your good work

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