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In 2 years of being a member of this great site, I have never seen a topic closed for no apparent reason. ( mYabe I dont understand the policy)

I am referring to the topic about the Mount Vernon tower needing to be repaired and returned to fire duty as soon as possible.

The original writer of the original post asking for member input obviously took umbrage with my post ( I cant figure out why) but he did in his reply post. I was about to post a reply when I noticed that the topic was closed.

Maybe the board moderator can explain that to me as I personally hadnt seen that happen before.

Regardless, I would just like to say to JLoftus, the original writer, if you read my post in the thread, I complimented you on your efforts more than once to try to get your rig back into service. I just felt your dept should get involved.

I know you dont need me to tell you the rig is unsafe. I didnt say it was. ( read my post again) I said safety should of more import than staying warm. My attempt at humor obviously failed when I said warmth was nice but not a pre-reqresite.

In any case, I DO NOT think I offended you, but in the event I did, that was not my intent, and I apologize for any misunderstanding.

I do not know the dynamics of why it took so long for the rig to be fixed, I tried to give advice which is what this forum is about. Someone must have felt their toes being steped on by someone, because the topic was closed.

I hope and pray you get your rig back soon, and have complete safety with the '72 while you are using it. If posting your original post helped in any way to expedite the repair of your rig, then you have succeeded in your mission.

Happy Holidays

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No problem , done deal

The importance of this topic is what matters and I should not have taken anything personel.

I thank you for your support and wish all a Happy Holiday.

As for the board jumping in , they realize the passion of the post and let it take care of itself and I thank them as well.

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The thread was closed because it served its purpose as VernFF reported, and didn't need to turn into a big discussion about the repair shop in question, or the finances of the fire dept in question. In the future, feel free to PM me directly instead of starting a whole new thread to discuss a different thread that was closed. Thanks.

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