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Peekskill Rescue 134

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Coming Soon - Peekskill Rescue 134- By end of 1st Qtr., maybe even by end of February! And not a day too soon!!

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What type (make) will the new Rescue 134 be?

Thanks biggrin.gif

Edited by TR54

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If I recall correctly it will be an E-One with a 18' or 20' box with a 500GPM pump and a 300? gallon tank.

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If I recall correctly it will be an E-One with a 18' or 20' box with a 500GPM pump and a 300? gallon tank.

E-One/Saulsbury 19' stainless body, long cab, 500 GPM pump & 400 water.

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The new Rescue 134 should be in the City this weekend and in service sometime the following week.

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Wow week to train everyone on the operation, capabilities, limitations and to work on/iron out the policies with switching to a rescue. Very very impressive.

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Ahh ALS, I see you're being your usual sarcastic self. I can assure you my brothers in Peekskill have they're stuff together and aren't going to let that apparatus go online until all the details are worked out. I had the opportunity to see the new rig myself and it's design, as well as all the equipment placement, is well thought out.... it is truly an impressive apparatus.

Since you're a driver in Peekskill, I can tell you right now you're going to like the shorter wheel base and easier turning raduis as well as the 500+ horsepower engine. You also know the old 134 is on it's last legs and the new one couldn't arrive at a better time. I personally can't wait to see it on the street.

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"Since you're a driver in Peekskill, I can tell you right now you're going to like the shorter wheel base.............."

- ALS gonna transfer from the Engine ?

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Ahh ALS, I see you're being your usual sarcastic self. I can assure you my brothers in Peekskill have they're stuff together and aren't going to let that apparatus go online until all the details are worked out. I had the opportunity to see the new rig myself and it's design, as well as all the equipment placement, is well thought out.... it is truly an impressive apparatus.

Since you're a driver in Peekskill, I can tell you right now you're going to like the shorter wheel base and easier turning raduis as well as the 500+ horsepower engine. You also know the old 134 is on it's last legs and the new one couldn't arrive at a better time. I personally can't wait to see it on the street.

The new 134 will be at Fire Patrol Saturday morning.

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Hold on a second here!!! ALS works on fire engines? I thought he just drove an ALS Fly-Car?! laugh.gif Just kidding!!!!

I do have one question though, who decides when a rig goes in service in Peekskill? Is it up to the Chief, the Company, the Rig Committe or the people actually operating it? Not looking for any fights, just curious because every place seems to do things different.

Good luck with it! Any pics?!

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The Chief is the decision maker for when the rig goes in service.

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Just to clarify because of the amount of BS that can come out of a comment like that......I didn't make the comment that is posted under my name. I believe someone could have posted it on a system I was viewing the Bravo on yesterday and I may have forgotten to log out of. Those of you who know me, which some of your comments I just laugh at.....know that if I thought that...I don't need to type it...I'll just say it to whom it needs to be said too.

So I asked EMT Bravo to remove that post that I didn't make. So all of you can calm down and take a real deep breath from blowing anything out of proportion and get your panties in a bind. As far as replying to some of the comments made after...I'll leave them there in testimony of my mentality and maturity vs. some others and why certain things are the way they are.

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