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Guest 66Alpha1

Banksville - Working Fire 1-3-07

1 post in this topic



Location: 19 Kingdom Ridge Road x Mica (SP?) Place

Frequency: 46.26

Units Operating: Banksville Fire, Armonk Fire (Tanker 9, 51B1, Manpower), Pound Ridge Fire (Tanker 3), Bedford Fire (Engine 110), Mt. Kisco Fire (Engine 105 to Cover Banksville), Battalion 16, Con Ed, C&O Zone 5, County Car 24

Description Of Incident: Structure Fire

Writer: 66Alpha1

21:25 - E158 & 2581 o/s, 2581 rpts smoke showing, requests M/A tankers

21:27 - Armonk & Pound Ridge M/A tankers to scene

21:28 - Tanker 7 O/S

21:31 - Tanker 9 Enroute

21:32 - 2581 requests additional personal along with E157 to scene, Armonk Ambulance requested for (1) victim of smoke inhilation

21:33 - Armonk Ambulance enroute

21:34 - E-157 responding

21:34 - Unreadable message about Tanker 3

21:35 - 2581 requests 1 Engine from Bedford to cover Banksville

21:39 - 2581 requesting additional personal from Armonk along with 2nd Ambulance

21:40 - Tanker 9 on location, E-157 on location

21:41 - Armonk Ambulance 51B1 on location

21:42 - Engine 110 Responding

21:43 - Tanker 3 requesting best route to scene

21:44 - 2581 requesting power company to scene

21:45 - 2581 reached via 60, denying need for 2nd Ambulance, guiding Tanker 3 in

21:48 - Tanker 3 O/S, 2041 out @ Banksville HQ

21:49 - Battalion 16 on location

21:50 - Engine 110 out @ Banksville HQ

21:51 - 2043 out @ Banksville HQ

21:54 - 2042 on location, additional manpower on location

21:58 - C&O Zone 5 land line 60 for response

22:00 - County Car 24 Responding

22:02 - Per Battalion 16, Tanker 3 to be released

22:04 - Tanker 3 back in service

22:08 - Unreadable message from 2033

22:10 - Per Battalion 16, Engine 110 to scene @ 19 Kingdom Ridge, relocate 1 Engine from Mt. Kisco to Banksville

22:11 - 60 control toning out Mt. Kisco for 1 Engine to cover Banksville

22:12 - Engine 110 Enroute

22:12 - County Car 24 on location

22:13 - Rescue 7 (for SCBA bottles) responding per Battalion 16 and 2041

22:19 - Engine 110 and Rescue 7 on location, Engine 105 responding to Banksville HQ

22:25 - 2284 out @ Banksville

22:28 - Per Battalion 16 fire under control, holding all units

22:32 - Engine 105 out @ Banksville HQ

(unable to get more than this due to scan60 picking up a possible brush fire in Ossining, ill continue to listen and update as needed)

*Note-2* Any corrections or additions, feel free to PM me or post in IA Workshop

Edited by Truck4

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