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3 Injured In Philly Firehouse Accident

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3 Injured In Philly Firehouse Accident

January 6, 2007

Pennsylvania - A fire truck apparently slipped out of gear, crashed into the back of a firehouse and caught fire Saturday, injuring three firefighters, officials said. Firefighters were moving the truck at the station in the city's West Oak Lane section when it lurched forward, said Daniel Williams, executive fire chief.

Investigators believe the truck's transmission had jumped out of gear, but the exact cause remained under investigation, Williams said.

A second company was brought in to help fight the blaze.

The firehouse, used to house reserve fire trucks, was seriously damaged. Two vehicles also were damaged.

One firefighter was hit by the truck but was listed in good condition, and two other firefighters were released after treatment for smoke inhalation, Williams said.

Written by Associated Press

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I found out today that 2 engines and a medic unit were destroyed in this fire...

While i was up at Engine 44's house today i did here Engine 73 get dispatched for a call so I believe they are running out of a different house.

This is from

Engine-73 apparently jump out of gear and pinned two firefighters against a wall of the firehouse. Rescue-1 and the collapse unit were requested to the scene. B/C-9 reported a fire had started secondary to the collapse and had heavy fire through the roof. Placed all hands in service. Three firefighters were transported to a trauma center. All injuries are reported to be non life threatening.

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