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Opening the Trunks of Cars.

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Well I have no picture this time. However while I was do some extrication training we had a discussion on opening the trunk of cars.

So here is the topic:

1. When do you open the trunk? All the time, Car fires, MVAs, etc.

2. How do you accomplish this task? for MVA, Fire, etc.

3. Any new tools or unusual techniques you have.

After you get some time to read this and post, I will post what we felt was an interesting way of getting the trunk open.

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A good topic - and something that tends to get overlooked from time to time.

1. When do you open the trunk? When dealing with a vehicle fire, it should be opened everytime. If we open everything up at a structure fire, we should do so on vehicle fires too. At MVAs, should be done to check for hidden dangers. Too many people are traveling around with hidden hazards in their cars. Not to mention those cars with the batteries in the trunk. Size-up is a 360 degree approach, why not do it at an MVA?

2. How do you accomplish this task? If we can use the release, thats the best way. I also have seen it done using the halligan's point in the keyhole, and when you strike it with the head of the ax it generally works.

3. Any new tools or unusual techniques you have? We carry two piercing nozzles which we can drive into the trunk area if we need to. The newest one is the Augustus Car Fire Tool. This is a great tool, but a good amount of training needs to be done on it.

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On many older model cars, you can knock out the locking mechanism out with the pike end of a halligan, then manipulate the locking mechanism with a sturdy flathead screwdriver.

If you actually look at the inside of the lock, you will notice that it is a small, long piece of metal (about the size of a screwdriver) that turns another piece to lock or unlock the trunk.

However with many newer cars this doesnt work. also, if the lock is not in vertical line with the locking mechanism( the part that actually connects the trunk to the body) it probably wont work.

pictures could probably make this easier to understand, unfortunately i dont have any.

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If you encounter the problem that Doug was talking about there are a few other ways to gain access... If you need to work quickly try using a sledge or haligan to gain entrance throught the tail light assembly. If you simply need to extinguist a fire this will usually give you enough room to flow water. If you need more complete access, drive a hole through the sheetmetal and use a sawz-all or air chisel to cut the top of the trunk off. If you can gain access to the back seat of the car, see if the seats fold down or if there is a "ski bag" pass through. Often times the rear deck has weak spots near the speakers as well.


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you can knock out the locking mechanism out with the pike end of a halligan, then manipulate the locking mechanism with a sturdy flathead screwdriver

When the group I was with was asked the question, this is what we all thought of..

So they should us another interesting way. Take you maul and hit the area where the trunk latch is. We tried this on several cars and from what we were told, 3 hits and it's open. Worked for us every time. The first car only took one hit.. If I can get some photos, I will point the area we were hitting. May not be best thing every time, but it did work with little effort.

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tbendick any update on photos ? Thanks

If I can get some photos, I will point the area we were hitting

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How about folding down the rear even work in cars w/o this option...dont over look the obvious.

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Don't forget the value of a K-12 saw with a steel blade in this situation.

I feel the trunk should always be watched out for, and checked. It's crazy what people are carrying around in their cars.

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I'd be careful with the saw. Make sure you don't cut through something hazardous that might in the trunk You never know what they have in there. Proceed with caution.

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You should open the trunk up all the time,You never know what will be in there we have found a 20 lb propane tank in there a few times as well as I am sure everyone else has but it s not supposed to be but it would be good to always check it out.

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