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Eastchester -Multiple Alarm Fire 2/2/07

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Date: 2/2/07

Time: 2115

Location: 20 Wood End Lane, Cross of Locust

Frequency:46.26, EFD, NRFD, FDMV, SFD

Units Operating: Car 2101, Car 2102, Car 2103, E27, E-28, E-29, E-30, E-31, L-16, TL-17, EVAC, 57M1, 57B1, NRFD Eng-22 F.A.S.T., FDMV Ladder 62, FDMV E-206, Batt 19

Description Of Incident: Fire 2nd floor and attic of a 2.5-story P/D with double peak roof at dead end of street.

Writer: HFD23, HFD201, GFD538, oilflame, Truck4 (O/S)

2115hrs- Original call for automatic alarm, Car 2102 reports smoke in area fill out assignment with 3rd engine and 2nd truck, Car 2102 reporting working structure fire,

2119HRS- NRFD Eng 22 and FDMV Relocating Truck 2 to station 1 eastchester,

2120HRS- L-16 venting windows in rear.. E-29 charging line

Requesting all in coming units stage on locust...

2123HRS- TL-17 on location

2130HRS- NRFD E-22 located at EFD station 1

2142HRS- CAR-2101 Requesting an Additional 1 and 1 to scene and F.A.S.T.

Report of heavy fire in attic with slate roof (difficulty venting) all hands working

NRFD Eng-22 As the F.A.S.Team, FDMV Truck 62 to go to work. FDMV E-206 to Scene

2145Hrs- Greenville Ladder 4 Relocate Eastchester Station 1.

2152Hrs- Scarsdale Eng-54, Car 2435 Relocating to Eastchester FD station 1

2158Hrs - BATT 19 on location

2200Hrs- SFD E-54 onlocation at EFD station 1

2224Hrs- SFD 2434 enroute EFD station 1

2226Hrs- Car 2101 reporting fire knocked down overhawling. Requesting how call came in. 60 control reports as auto alarm from alarm company. also advising the address maybe in Mount Vernon.

EFD relief FF's on the scene

2237Hrs- 2101 reporting E-31, TL-17 and relief crew to take up when ready and return to station 1.

2241- NRFD Eng 22 Clear of the fire scene returning to New Rochelle

Edited by Truck4

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