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Hawthorne- Fatal MVA 02-21-07

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Date: 02-21-07

Time: 1615hrs

Location: Sprain Pkway Southbound X Taconic State Pkway Interchange

Units Operating: NYSP, Mount Pleasant PD, Valhalla FD, Hawthorne FD

Description Of Incident: Origianl report on dispatch of a rollover with ejection, entrapment and fire.

Writer: Truck4

1615hrs- Hawthorne and Valhalla dispatched for rollover with fire, entrapment and ejection reported by NYSP.

1619hrs- Hawthorne Chiefs O/S.

1619hrs- Valhalla R-9 responding.

1620hrs- Valhalla E-84 enroute.

1621hrs- E-155 and R-9 req'd to enter from Hospital Road and proceed north on southbound lane.

1621hrs- Re-tone Hawthorne EMS for EMT needed. (2) cars off road and into woods, (1) vehicle on highway with confirmed entrapment.

1625hrs- NYSP rpts MM 11.8 for accident. E-155 O/S req. M/A EMS with a rush. (2) M/A EMS units enroute. Car 2481 establishing command.

1626hrs- Valhalla VAC and ambulance from Grasslands Reservation enroute.

1629hrs- M/A Elmsford for 3rd Ambulance. Co's working on a comfirmed pin. Occupant possibly DOA in vehicle.

1632hrs- Elmsford 58B2 enroute.

1634hrs- Hawthorne EMS advising unit standing-by in quarters.

1637hrs- 58B2 on location.

1645hrs- 58B2 enroute to WCMC with (1) female.

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