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Passaic, NJ FD Auxiliary Disbanded

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thats a shame

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"The auxiliary served its purpose in years past but serves no purpose today" Chief Patrick Trentacost


Disbanded Without Notice? That sounds odd....

Gotta be a lil more to the story.


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The city needs to refocus the $8500 budget?? What are they gonna refocus it on?? A city the size of Passaic spends that much on pens a year. If there isn't more to this then this is just f-ing stupid.

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Passaic used to call them all the time....Now they haven't called them in a while...They would call them once in a blue moon

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last night on the news the mayor said the padlocking was a mistake and it was reopened however the mayor said it will be permanently closed shortly. He said the building is worth $400,000-500,000 at auction.

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