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Wappingers (Dutchess) - Water Rescue 3/17/07

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Date: 3-17-07

Time: 23:00

Location: 1 Market St.

Frequency: Dutchess County Dispatch 1, Response 2, Command 3, T/A 4, MLSS 385, V/O Wappingers FG.

Units Operating: Villige of Wappingers FD 68-1, 68-3, 68-55, 68-99, 68-45, Mobile Life 275; Hughsonville 45-1, 45-62, 45-99, 45-51; Village Wappingers PD, Dutchess Co. Sherriffs Dive Team (cancelled); DC Car 13; Stat Flight.

Incident Discription: Female jumped from the porch of 1 Market St into the Wappingers Creek. Upon arrival of PD comfirmed female in water, req'd dive team to scene. PD advising pt has a head injury, unkown severity.

Writer: 201/65, SRS2308

Hughsonville and Village of Wappingers boats on scene, with Hughsonville Dive team. Village of Wappingers setting up for stokes operation off of the bridge on East Main Street in the Village. Patient located with severe bleeding from the head.

Police report patient is close to hypothermia, need blankets to try and warm her up.

County advises that Dutchess County Sheriff Dive Team is assembling and asks Wappingers command if they are needed to proceed or to stand down. Wappingers command advises that they can stand down, due to patient being located and Hughsonvilles dive team is on scene.

23:51 Village PD advises their dispatch that stokes basket is being lowered and the patient needs to be removed or they are going to start to lose her.

23:52 Helicopter is being requested to land at St. Mary's per medic on scene.

23:53 New Hamburg dispatched with one engine to set up an LZ at St. Marys

23:59 New Hamburg Rescue 53-52 respnoding with LZ lights to St. Mary's

23:59 Wappingers command requests 2nd ambulance from Mobile life to the scene. Dutchess 911 advises 9 minute ETA for helicopter.

00:14 Helicopter has landed safely

00:14 Patient is now being raised up from the falls on the stokes by 68-45

00:24 Mobile life dispatched for a 3rd amblance to the scene.

00:31 County advises Mobile Life has a 3rd ambulance en route to the village but not to the scene. Inquires what is the emergency at the scene. Wappingers command advises for a firefighter on scene with exposure to cold water. Mobile Life now responding code 3 to the scene. Jumper is now up and in ambulance being transported to the awaiting helicopter.

00:35 Mobile Life 285 on scene of landing zone with patient.

00:36 3rd Moblie Life ambulance is now on scene of original incident for the firefighter with exposure.

00:38 Village PD advises their dispatch all personel up and out of the falls.

00:42 Mobile Life 285 advises change in plans, stat flight medic now on board and patient is being transported by ground unit to St. Francis Medical Center ALS. All vitals good and patient is stable.

Initial report of patient in water is false, was actually on cliff next to water. Was

close to hypothermia due to snow. St. Francis setting up for code 99 trauma.

Patient is alert and consious with minor injuries refused transport by helicopter.

00:47 Wappingers Command advises all Wappingerss, Hughsonville, and New Hamburg equipment is in service.

Per further radio traffic patient apparently slipped while walking on porch. 30 to 40 forty foot drop to the rocks. Patient does have minor slurred speech, but from alcohol consumption.

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