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Burn Sheet Problem

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The "Ever Ready First Aid & Medical Supply Corp" Sterile Burn Sheets are starting to fall apart and turn to confetti. This is the same problem that occurred with the GAM industries burn sheets a few years ago. We sent this up the chain of command and never heard back.

Tell the Junior guy checking the rig to look for these and get rid of them... If you want to see what the problem is just grab one of the rig thats been there for a few months and it will just fall apart. One of units in the Battalion pulled 3 of the truck and all of them pretty much turned to dust when opened.

REMOVE these items..

"Ever Ready First Aid & Medical Supply Corp"

Burn Sheets LOT #102500

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Nice. Perhaps the companies need to come up with a better burn sheet. They are thin and will dry out quickly.

Otherwise...hang on to the old can use them for confetti in lieu of ticker tape when the Yankees win it all this year.

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Nice.  Perhaps the companies need to come up with a better burn sheet.  They are thin and will dry out quickly.

Otherwise...hang on to the old can use them for confetti in lieu of ticker tape when the Yankees win it all this year.

God I hope so.... We are over due.

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Take a number of standard linen sheets to your friendly hospital's central supply, where they process supplies to be pouch sterilized. Have them pouch and sterilize a bunch for your service (if anyone uses that many of them, barring working in a burn center for BBQ chickens) as they will be the best darn ones you ever had (no acute disintegration) plus they are dated for sterility, plus it is free. Why we buy paper one$ that fall apart before they get used or rip when idea. The old cloth ones that were commercially prepared used to work best....cost a bit more...then came the stupid paper disposables. Sort of like the little food service aprons that come in OB kits. Totally useless.

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  Sort of like the little food service aprons that come in OB kits. Totally useless.

Nice! As well I think that is a great idea on how to get sterile burn sheets.

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