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Professional and a Volunteer?

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im just curious of how many of you out there are professional union firefighters and then go off and volunteer as a firefighter some were else?

being a professional are you concerned about being injured and risking your job?

i know the union has rules about being a vol. were there are other career men are there do any of you that do that? would you even admit to it?

does the union have any other rules regarding this issue?

This question is for a CHIEF OFFICER- If one of the men were injured at a fire or acting as a volunteer and could not work at his professional job what are the repercussions if any?

Edited by efd184

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Well what if you are working your side job and got hurt? I have heard this argument before, but I know a lot of union members complain about being a volly on the side. Realistically a lot of international members have jobs on the side. Jobs like electrician, carpenters, painters, aren't they taking away jobs and just as guilty as being "scabs" as everyone else. What if they get hurt working on a job site? There should be no difference. I know a few local members who are actually part of TWO unions? This is pretty silly IMO, how can you be a member of two unions, you aren't even using one's benefits. Let someone else in who will use them and give them a shot at a decent living.

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forgot to add:

people seem to foget that the IAFF is a division of the AFL (american federation of labor). Arent you providing non union labor on the side if you work any side job?

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forgot to add:

people seem to foget that the IAFF is a division of the AFL (american federation of labor).  Arent you providing non union labor on the side if you work any side job?

i agree with 100% as to getting hurt on a "B" job

thats not why i asked the question!

the reason is i have read posts with names that claim to be union guys and vols but have defended vol issues concerning combo depts.

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