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robert benz


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I agree with Chris192 here. If there is ample room to work on the shoulder, operate w/ extreme caution, but its probably not necessary to close a lane. IMO, and this is coming from working in NYC so I undersrtand this might need some modification in other jurisdictions. Plain and simple, whoever is first onscene, judiciously do what they need to do to ensure scene safety. If that means shutting a lane, so be it. However, once PD is on scene, allow them to take over that responsibility, quickly move trucks or vehicles and allow them to continue setting up flare etc. Despite what may be said, it's really not EMS or FD's role at the scene. If there is extra personell, by all means assist, but don't create a loggerjam on the road just b/c you can. When I am off duty, I can't stand it when there are 5 vehicles parked in one or two lanes with no operations being done and everyone is waiting for a tow or the ambulance is just ready to leave. If PD can secure the scene w/ regards for saftey they should be given this responsiblity while FD and EMS continues w/ extrication, patient, care, washdowns etc. It goes right back to what Chris192 and actually the whole purpose of the site is about, putting aside our egos and doing what each our services do best to work together for the best interest of those we serve!!

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