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Guest partyrock

From: NYPD Breathing Air Unit

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What exactly is this vehicle used for?

Its designed to unnecissarially duplicate services and waste tax payer money that could better be spent on salaries.

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Its designed to unnecissarially duplicate services and waste tax payer money that could better be spent on salaries.

They wouldn't spend the money on salaries anyways, so better to have more capabilities available at an incident... Billion dollar surplus in NYC and you are talking about Homeland Security and Safety purchases a waste of taxpayer money... I could think of alot more things that are a waste of taxpayer money...

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Its designed to unnecissarially duplicate services and waste tax payer money that could better be spent on salaries.

Party...i'm just curious, but you dont think its beneficial at all for the NYPD to have its own mask service unit for the ESU guys in certain situations??? i understand what you're saying, but i'm just curious why you feel that way..thanks

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