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The Post Deletion Issue

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If you have not posted because of fear of your post being deleted, we ask that you give us another chance.

Many members have voiced complaints about posts getting deleted, and not being allowed to talk about conterversial topics. We really want more members to post, and those members who don't post anymore because they believe we delete posts because of an "agenda" or other untrue accusation to come back and be active again.

As this forum continues to grow and mature, we have decided to permit discussions that were previously limited in the past. We realize that no matter what, some people will be offended. This forum presents a tremendous oppurtunity to share information, learn from one another (and our mistakes), make contacts, and strengthen the emergency services community. Even if an issue affects only one specific department, perhaps it affects another and something can be learned. T

Please note that we only want topics and posts that are constructive, with a positive and respectful discussion or debate. We encourage all members who see a post that they disagree with or view as incorrect, and have factual information about the topic at hand, to post and enlighten and educate the other members. Don't just sit there and complain silently about inaccurate posts on this forum-do something to change that. We ask that members stand behind what they say on this forum.

We will continue to work hard to minimize the nonsense that is typically found on other forums. We hope that you will cooperate with us to make this happen. We also hope that members will show some respect to the moderators and administrators of this forum. We are completly neutral, and only delete posts that do not comply with the rules of the forum. There is a large amount of people that visit and read this forum daily, and we feel we have a reponsibility to provide the best information we can.

The following types of posts are for the most partt not permitted, and are deleted using EXTREME DISCRETION AND CONSIDERATION


-Attacking,harrasing, or taunting another member, moderator, or adminstrator

-Disregarding a moderator or administrators request

-Negative comments and "one liners" that do not contribute to the discussion at hand.

-Bashing of a department, person, or this site

-Posting of personal information of another member

-Posts with extremly poor grammar, poorly done threads, and duplicate posts

-Obscene, vulgar, or offensive posts

-Intentionally or unitentionally incorrect or misinformed topics and posts that have a high potential to lead to rumors or the distrubution of incorrect information that could have a large negative impact.

-Threads or posts that "beat a dead horse", or that are spiraling downward, or lead to uneccesary debate or tension.

-"Monday Morning Quarterbacking" where not appropriate to the topic at hand.

-"Suggest Post Deletion" from multiple senior and active members of this forum

-Requested post deletion from an officer of a department, or the member who started the thread

-Advertisment topics or commercial posts (not authorized by the administration of this forum)

-Political Topics (although we are considering opening a Politics ssection)

-Posts that "highjack a thread

-Posts that are pure banter

-Plagurized material or photographs

-Posts from those whose intention it is to incite conflict in the thread, stir the pot, or used for a personal agenda.

-Posts containing confidential or sensitive information

-Posts containg official departmental information without authorization from a chief officer.

Violations are logged through a warning system, and repeated violations can lead to posting suspension.

Our moderators will be more tolerant and will refrain from deleting posts unless absolutely neccasary. We will make our best effort to notify the member of the deletion, explain the reason why, and encourage the member to repost within the guidelines of the forum.

We are deciding whether or not to open our "trash can" forum for a limited time, so that members can see some of the deleted posts, and hopefully understand why some posts are deleted.

HOWEVER, we still reserve the right to delete any post, at any time, for any reason as part of the registration agreement. Also, there are things I cannot discuss with the general membership in regards to operation of this forum.

We encourage you to contact us at any time with any question, concern, comment, or complaint via email at We will do our best to try and resolve any problem you have with the forum.

-EMTBravo Network Webteam

P.S. If you have time, please review Truck4's "Statement On Site Content"


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