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Remember To Keep Your Email Address Up-To-Date

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Please remember to keep your email address that's associated with your EMTBravo Membership up-to-date.

To do so, click on the "My Controls" link via on the top of this page, scroll down to "Change My Email Address", and follow the instructions on the page.

Or, here is the direct link to change your email address:

PLEASE NOTE: You will have to re-activate your account after changing your email address. An email will be sent to the email address you specify, outlining what you need to do. IF YOU DO NOT RECIEVE THIS EMAIL, BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR EMAIL FILTER OR JUNK EMAIL FOLDERS.

Proceeding with this action will log you out. It is strongly recommended that you reset your password before changing your email address IF you are unable to remember your password.

Keeping your email address current will allow you to recieve news from the EMTBravo Network, notifications of new private messages, and subscribe to specific topics or forums. Which emails you recieve are up to you, and can be controlled using your email options setting in your "My Controls" panel.

If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact me via EMAIL at

Thanks for your cooperation and time!


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