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Online CME's

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Hey, now I know that this topic has been discussed before but I am having trouble finding them. So does anyone know where to find websites online where you can get CME's from. I know about JEMS but I can't seem to find anything else for EMT-B CME's that are approved for NYS and also WREMSCO. It doesnt matter if there free sites or pay sites. If anyone knows anything it would be help alot. Thanks in advance for your help.

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I was messaged and told that had online CME's. you have to pay for them but its a good site with good topics, i just thought I'd let you guys know this incase anyone else is also looking for online CME's.

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I recerted recently using healthstream.

My recollection was that it was $50 a head, but it was waaaaay worth it. This allows you to essentially skip most of the material and just take the test [which you can take as many times as you'd like to pass it].

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Doesn't NYS limit online CME hours to a total of 4? If not, does that mean you can essentially take all coure/elective classes online and then have an CIC sign off on your practical skills?

Just and update: 12 hours of Core study and 24 hours of additional study can be done independently, everything else has to be attended.

Edited by Goose

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