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Sprint Nextel Corp. ends some user contracts

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From the Associated Press / Poughkeepsie Journal

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Cell phone firm ends some user contracts

By Sarah Bradshaw

Poughkeepsie Journal

Complaining to customer service often or making excess cell phone calls while outside your provider's coverage area are two methods to end your Sprint Nextel Corp. contract early.

The nation's third-largest wireless provider sent letters to about 1,200 subscribers June 25, saying the company's records showed they had made frequent calls - from 40 to 100 per month - for help with questions about billing and other account information.

These customers were told their service agreements were being terminated, they wouldn't owe anything on their final bills, and the company would waive early termination fees. They also were told to keep their phone number, they would have to switch to another wireless provider by July 30.

Sprint spokesman Rich Pesce, representing the Hudson Valley, said Sprint customers who made too many cell phone calls outside their coverage area are in violation of their service contracts and were sent termination letters. He did not know how many. Military are exempt, he said.

30 days to switch

Because the roaming-call violations are a different situation, Pesce said Sprint has given violators 30 days to switch carriers, but will not not pay off their balances from the last billing cycle.

In response, the New York state Consumer Protection Board has issued a statement that Sprint should pay an early termination fee of at least $200 to terminated customers. Board Chairwoman and Executive Director Mindy A. Bockstein called the termination "outrageous treatment."

"These former Sprint customers will have to purchase new phones and incur other expenses and inconveniences if they want to continue receiving wireless service," Bockstein said.

"We are making every effort possible to help the customers that have been identified during the transition. ..." he said. He didn't know if anyone in the Hudson Valley was affected by the termination letters, but added they would know by now if they were.

The Associated Press contributed to this report. Reach Sarah Bradshaw at or 845-437-4811.

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Sprint / Nextel is terrible. I got out of my contract with them by calling customer service and arguing that their contract was not a legal contract (not signed and approved by an attorney) and that they couldnt provide me the service they promised. To those who "made too many calls outside the service area" and are being terminated by Sprint, I say...Congradualtions! You're dumping a terrible wireless carrier with bad, bad, bad customer service, a horrible contract and terrible all around service. I am glad I dropped and went to Verizon.

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For Service In English Press 1

You can call us but if you complain we will DROP you?

I love it. :blink:

Ever have to call 9-1-1 from a Nextel and get "System Busy Try Later 22"

Yeah OK, I will keep doing CPR while trying to get help.

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Sprint dropped them for making too many roaming calls? ISn't that part of your plan? IE your phone will either make a roaming call or it won't? As far as terminating contracts for people that call customer service too often, if sprint did this 10 years ago they would have canceled my contract. I called them several times a month because they were always making mistakes on my bill and other various problems. Thats why i left sprint and went to verizon. then I went to nextel before they were sprint. Now I guess I am back at sprint through Nextel.

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I just dropped Nextel two weeks ago for Verizon. Terrible phone service. RWC, one of my friends tried to call 911 and got the old "System Busy Try Later 22". He canceled his contract immediately after the system stopped being "too busy" for an emergency call.

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