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From: Brewster Annual Parade

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Pictures will be up tomorrow night. I got about 30 rigs total, woulda had a few more if some people didn't wander into my shots, or the rigs were moving a little too fast.

Thank you to ff274 and Mrs. ff274 for the cold refreshment even though half of it ended up on my sneakers.

Maybe it's me, and maybe it's because I haven't been to one of these things since I left Lake Carmel in 1998. I was amazed at how few members I saw marching. I can understand smaller departments having fewer people, but I can remember in my Explorer days, and even the last few years I was in Lake Carmel, there were departments that fielded nearly 30 plus for EVERY Parade. Sign of the times, I suppose.

Sad but true I think. Now it seems EVERY parade is how you saw it tonight. There are some Departments though that still present a good turn-out but it is always the same ones. I guess people just don't have the time anymore. Jobs, both parents working etc.... One day hopefully it will turn back around. I thought 9/11 might have done it.

Anyway, looking forward to you pics tomorrow.......

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