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Vandals Damage Mahopac's new firehouse

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Vandals Damage Mahopac's new firehouse



(Original publication: August 2, 2007)

MAHOPAC - The new $5.7 million firehouse was damaged overnight Tuesday, and Carmel police are seeking help in finding the vandals.

Three small rear windows in the new firehouse at Route 6 and Croton Falls Road were shot out with a BB or pellet gun, police Lt. Brian Karst said.

The damage was discovered yesterday. Karst speculated that the shots were likely fired from a bicycle path behind the firehouse, which is next to the old one, not far from the police station.

Fire Commission Chairman Frank Egelsen Sr. said he thought it was an isolated incident.

"It was probably just kids on the bike path," he said. "We learned of it from one of the workers down there this morning."

The firehouse has been under construction for more than a year. The building, with bigger bays to accommodate modern equipment, could open in the coming weeks.

"We got a temporary certificate of occupancy last week," Egelsen said.

He said fire officials hope to open the 25,000-square-foot home soon, once they and the contractor go over a final list of items to be completed.

The new firehouse will replace the brick structure that was built in the 1950s.

The plans are to raze the old firehouse, but some residents have mounted an effort to use it for some community purpose. Proponents of saving the old building have been making automated telephone calls to residents and printing bumper stickers.

Fire officials say the old firehouse would need too much work to be brought up to code and have invited residents to visit it and see.


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although the damage seems to be very's still VERY DISRESPECTFUL!

its disgraceful how community members can do this, even though it seems like they were some punks, either way they need a slap!

It is really frustrating when you are working on a punch list trying to get it all buttoned up.

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When we were about to move into our fire house (Lake Carmel FD) after it was built someone spray painted our bay doors. So we know all too well what Mahopac is going through.

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