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Was Micheal Moore right?

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You dont need that idiot Michael Moore to tell you there's a problem with the healthcare system. I think we knew it already. And if people didn't, there pretty dumb.

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* It is "they're" if you want to use contractions, they are otherwise.

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well i know who have big problem with are health care system. we got to start hellping are own.the working class men and women.what some of these ceo make is awful.what they do besides sit on there butts.well they are over paid.If it was not for the blue collar workers they would not have that plush offices.we need to start giving health care to those blue collar workers who cant afford it.i didnt need no movie to tell me that.

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It's obvious there are problems with the system. But even with these problems ours is the best system in the world, mostly because the government doesn't administer it. We definitely need a safety net for those in special circumstances including children. Of course being a legal citizen of this country should certainly count for something when receiving healthcare ,IMOP.

But look at Michael Moore- he looks about 100lbs overweight- why should I pay for someone who abuses themselves over the course of their lifetime? These are the issues we must face

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i still say there a lot problems with this system.what about all those ilegals who cross are borders and use are hospitals.well if they dont pay.we the taxpayers end up paying for them.we should not have to chose between health care and living wage job.when we give better health care to those detanies at navel base in cuba.yet we have lot of 9/11 rescue workers who need medical care and are not getting it.we have people who cant retire due to medical cost being to high.then ther are those who have to chose between there medicines and paying there bills.that should not be the way.we do live in a great country.but we need to make some changes.

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