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Shuttle Issue! Damage found on Shuttle in Space!

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Funny how now they are worried about gouges. I can remember numerous news reports as a grade schooler and young teen when they were say how the shuttle returned just fine, only after losing a few heat tiles during re-entry which is normal. How times change. Now the catch phrase...falling foam. Ummm stop using the foam. Your frigging can't find something other than that friggin foam.

Well then again you still get nasty water out of the mustard bottle if you forget to shake it...this is America right?

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If the gouge is deemed serious and cannot be fixed, the shuttle astronauts would have to remain at the space station. They have more than two months of supplies with them, and a rescue shuttle could be launched by early October, Shannon said.

Nothing like taking a 2week trip to space to find out you are not coming home. So does the phone call home go like this

Hey honey listen I am stuck in space until NASA can figure out how to get me back home. Do not worry I have 2 months worth of supplies to live on then after that I am screwed. :unsure:

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Nothing like taking a 2week trip to space to find out you are not coming home.

Sounds like some of the private EMS companies my friends work for. Except they don't find out their not going home end of tour 20 minutes prior to end of tour. lol.

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