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Another highway incident

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Another FF has been injured while operating on a highway.]Hey...

A Union County, TN firefighter working a crash scene this morning became a seriously injured victim when he was struck by a car. 19-year-old FF Daniel Rice is a member of the Paulette VFD and was directing traffic around the scene when he was hit. He is at the University of Tennessee Medical Center with multiple injuries, including broken legs. Sheriff's deputies and THP troopers had the road blocked off with their vehicles. The driver of the car that hit Rice received four citations, including one for breaking Tennessee's eight month old "Move Over" law. That law requires drivers to get into another lane when they see emergency vehicles nearby.

There is additional information on this incident posted on the home page/NEWS/UPDATES area of

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dangours job.

directing traffic car never see you.

hope the firefighter turns out to be ok

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