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Despite offers, 8 must wait to become Stamford Firefighters

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Despite offers, 8 must wait to become firefighters: Officials hope to get funds by end of year

By Natasha Lee

Staff Writer

Published September 7 2007

In 2005, the commission was accused of nepotism and unfair hiring practices after applicants with lower scores were offered jobs rather than those with higher scores.

The commission changed its hiring policies and for the first time added a score to the procedures.

According to an analysis of the scoring done by The Advocate this year, only five other applicants scored lower than Brennan on the written test; they averaged 55 out of a possible score of 93 and 4 out of 10 in the interview.

In the same analysis, Errico was within the top five applicants in the second rank, with an average score of 73 on the written test, and a 5.8 on the interview. There were 18 applicants who ranked higher than Esposito but weren't offered jobs.

In the analysis, Esposito scored a 4.3 on the interview and a 71 on the written test. Doherty ranks 17th within the third, or lowest rank, with a 58 on the written score and a 4.7 on the interview.

Human resources generalist Felicia Wirzbicki, who oversees the hiring of city firefighters, said she plans to send job offer letters by today, but added there was no rush because there is no funding to pay the new employees.

Stamford Fire & Rescue has to reduce its salary spending by more than $500,000 to fund the positions.

The department was budgeted to hire four new firefighters this year, but officials can't spend the money because of budget cuts. The additional four positions resulted from retirements and a promotion this year.

The job offer letters will not include a date of employment but will provide a pre-employment offer and a number that shows the order in which the recipient will be hired, with veteran firefighters given priority.

Starting salary for city firefighters is about $41,700 and increases to about $64,000 in five years, Wirzbicki said.

Once hired, the firefighters will complete a 16-week course at the state fire academy in Windsor Locks.

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