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USAR Medics hit the road with FDNY

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FDNY EMS has just placed in service two FDNY USAR Medic units. These are not new Ambulance units just two units who have been trained.

The units are



The units are full ALS Haztac units and trained in USAR. They don't carry and rescue equipment just the hazmat stuff.

When a rescue job comes in that could use a USAR medic the unit will be dispatched and assigned to the Rescue Battalion. Just like how the Medics are assigned to the Hazmat battalion at Hazmat jobs.

There are no SOP's on paper yet. However the training has been complete and FDNY wanted to place the units in service.

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FDNY is also bringing 49Z (Queens) and 15Z (Bronx) into the mix and make them USAR as well, therefore having one in each borough. I work 12Z now and we still haven't been fully trained, although ourselves and 35Z are already in the matrix for any kind of rescue job (collapse, trench, high-angle, etc)

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Welcome to the board... I would hope to see this program expand. One quick questions is, are the newly trained Medics being made part or the FEMA Team.. I remember not too long ago looking at the list of names and there was only two medics. Everyone else was LT or above.

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Medics from the Haz Tac units have been accepted to the FEMA team, although i have no clue how many. I believe the idea is to eventually have 2 teams, the deployable team, NYTF-1, and a non-deployable team dedicated to the city operating in the 5 boros only.

A question for you...I live in tarrytown and read somewhere on this site about a Westchester technical rescue team. What can you tell me about it?

many thanks

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Could that be the one that Greenburgh runs? Try the GPD website. Or maybe they are a seperate entity.

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