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Writer looking for Emergency Service stories

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Writer looking for Emergency Service stories

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Has your emergency dept (ems preferred, all accepted gratefully) ever suffered a crisis which prevented normal operations from your headquarters? (ie: building fire, local flood, evacuation, hurricane, earthquake)

Were you able to meet your community's needs? How? How did you rebuild your organization after the disaster? What lessons were learned?

This writer is working on a magazine article on the subject of business continuity in emergency services after a disaster. Please send a brief response outlining your experiences to

Please include your department name & location, your name (for contact) and email or phone number. No compensation offered but if I use your experiences in the article, I will mention your department for positive publicity.

Please let me know if you have any (digital preferred) photos available of the disaster, ruins or rebuilding period.

Thank you for your help AND for your community commitment.

Location: anywhere USA

it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

(previously posted on Craigslist)

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