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EMS Turnout Gear

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I am looking to see how many EMS agencies have turnout gear for their members. Do you have coats and helmets on the bus or do you issue sets to your members? Do you have pants or just coats? What about helmets? What make/modle? What brand do you use? What is the color of the gear? It is nylon EMS gear or is it more like USAR or Extrication jumpsuits?

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My vollie agency has helmets & coats. The helmets are standard fire issue, but blue. The turnout coats are NOT fire retardant, but fire resistiant. The idea being we are not fire feighters, so don't try to be one (hint hint firefieghters -- if the patient isn't on fire, get out of EMS's way :lol: ).

This sytem has worked well. Now if we could only convince a few members that those coats are also not kevlar! :(

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FDNY has upgraded to a USAR Style System for all EMS members.

Also I am pretty sure Valhalla VAC still has some form of gear, at least coats and helmets. Vacguy?

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I received a grant a few years ago for the purchase of EMS turnout gear for my VAC. I looked at many different turn out gear vendors. So of them used cheap nylon material which I did not like because it would not hold up again sharp metal, broken glass and other dangerous materials found at MVAs.

We ended up going with Morning Pride USAR turnout gear. We were able to purchase 22 sets of full USAR gear. We purchased blue (white for officers) metro style helmets with the goggles, coats, pants, boots and extrication gloves. Our policy is that the turnout gear must be worn at ALL MVAs.

We like the Morning Pride USAR gear, but we are now looking at going with FireDex USAR gear.

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I received a grant a few years ago for the purchase of EMS turnout gear for my VAC. I looked at many different turn out gear vendors. So of them used cheap nylon material which I did not like because it would not hold up against sharp metal, broken glass and other dangerous materials found at MVAs.

We ended up going with Morning Pride USAR turnout gear. We were able to purchase 22 sets of full USAR gear. We purchased blue (white for officers) metro style helmets with the goggles, coats, pants, boots and extrication gloves. Our policy is that the turnout gear must be worn at ALL MVAs.

We like the Morning Pride USAR gear, but we are now looking at going with FireDex USAR gear.

Turnout gear should be worn when needed.....not "on all MVA's". Do you really need to wear turnout gear in 95 degree heat / 100% humidity for a minor fender bender that may require a board & collor? No. In conditions mentioned, all you are doing is creating heat exhaustion for your EMS personnell. Now who is going to treat the heat exhausted EMS personnell? Another crew wearing turnout gear? Setting a blanket rule is not smart. Using the gear on an as needed basis is smarter.

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When operating in and around a vehicle there are many hazards that can cause serious injuries or death. When the FD is on the scene, they must wear full turnout gear. In very hot weather there is some discretion that is used by the crew.

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FDNY has upgraded to a USAR Style System for all EMS members.

Also I am pretty sure Valhalla VAC still has some form of gear, at least coats and helmets. Vacguy?

Yup, we do. we actually have two sets, older and newer.

the older gear is highly refective jacket (w/ fleece liners) and pants.

the newer gear isn't as reflective, but still good and it is bloodborne pathogen jacket (fleece liners) and pants. This set is issued to active members and for those no so active, we have extras in the closet to use.

Both are either kept in the vac or the member may keep in there car. The only thing we have in the rigs are 4 helmets per rig.

I don’t know the name of the gear off hand, but I’ll get it later…

Edited by vacguy

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older gear is Globe

newer gear is Blauer

...i do prefer the comfort of the Globe turnout gear, but the Blauer is bloodborne pathogen so it is primary

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When operating in and around a vehicle there are many hazards that can cause serious injuries or death. When the FD is on the scene, they must wear full turnout gear. In very hot weather there is some discretion that is used by the crew.

Lets look at the history of EMS operating at MVA's ..... About 99.9% of the time, turnout gear is unnecessary for EMS. In severly hot weather, it can turn EMS personnel into patients. I think the risk of heat exhaustion, syncope, heat cramps, heat strokes, cardiac issues, etc from wearing turnout gear is too high verses the benefit of wearing turnout gear for fire hazards, glass, etc. That is why I feel that making turnout gear mandatory at all MVA's is not realistic.

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Lets look at the history of EMS operating at MVA's ..... About 99.9% of the time, turnout gear is unnecessary for EMS. In severly hot weather, it can turn EMS personnel into patients. I think the risk of heat exhaustion, syncope, heat cramps, heat strokes, cardiac issues, etc from wearing turnout gear is too high verses the benefit of wearing turnout gear for fire hazards, glass, etc. That is why I feel that making turnout gear mandatory at all MVA's is not realistic.

I agree you don't need to wear turnouts for every MVA but if the patient is trapped and extrication is in progress there is no reason why EMS should be as well protected as the firefighters (or ESU, not that they wear any gear) that are doing the rescue work. How many times do you see and fence of turnouts around a car doiing extrication only to see a EMT or medic pop out of the vehicle wearing shirt sleeves.

The NJ EMS Task Force (State-wide Special Ops) uses Morning Pride USAR gear, same specs as FDNJ EMS just a different color trim. I find them comfortable

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