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Her time is more Valuable then ours

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Four Connecticut Firefighters Saved by Belts

Any one catch this on the front page of

The sedan's driver, identified by police as Donna Cella, 44, of Lindberg Drive, Trumbull, is charged with failing to obey a stop sign. She refused medical attention, police said.


"They were traveling at the speed limit without lights or siren when the truck was hit," said Assistant Fire Chief Dominick Carfi. "The driver of the car didn't appear to make any effort to stop."


The front of the Lexus caved in and the airbags deployed, but Cella waved off firefighters and emergency personnel as they approached her car.


"I'm fine, I'm fine. I just want to get to work," she said, punching numbers into a pink cell phone. "I'll go to the hospital later, but right now I just got to get to work."


"I was just in a hurry to get to work in Westport, but I have a good solid car, thank God," Cella said. "I just wish they would hurry up because I really have to get to work."


A few minutes later a taxi pulled up to the scene and Cella announced that her ride had arrived.


Police eventually allowed Cella to continue on her way in the taxi, pending the investigation. Her car was towed from the scene.

This absolutely infuriates me that someone can blow a stop sign because her time is so valuable that she needs to get to work, destroys a fire engine, and puts her own health on the back burner. Seems the charge of failing to obey a traffic sign is way to light. She definitely needs an attitude adjustment and some therapy, perhaps in time Karma will get even.

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"I just wish they would hurry up because I really have to get to work."

That is ridiculous! In a hurry to get to work? Whos fault is that? And to say the firefighters need to hurry up. That is what caused it! She was in such a hurry, to probally go flip burgers!?

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I dont think you earn a living flipping burgers if you drive a Lexus

other then that it is absolutly inexcusible for this woman to get off so lightly for maliciously injuring 4 public servents, causing severe damage to a piece of city property and destroying private property.

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Dude it is unreal. If that was a standard car she hit, well she might have seriously injured or killed someone. Luckily the B-Port brothers were OK and buckled up. Some of the people that have money have no friggin clue. She ran the stop sign and was worried about getting to her Westport job WAH!!!!!!! I wouldn;t doubt that she was gabbing away on the pink cell phone while she was driving too. :angry:

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I hope that bill that the city sends her insurance will not make her happy. She better hope she has great stackable coverage.

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I believe this person should be prosecuted for far more than failure to obey a stop sign. How about endangering public employees or interfering with government administration? Just call me Judge Roy Bean ;) and just my humble two cents. As always, blessings and thoughts to the brothers involved.


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Sounds like reckless endangerment, with possible assault charges to me, but the District Attorney's office would have to make the call. See what comes out of the investigation.

Edited by grumpyff

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