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Katrina's victims ask for huge checks - $3 Quadrillion!

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NEW ORLEANS - Hurricane Katrina's victims have put a price tag on their suffering and it is staggering — including one plaintiff seeking the unlikely sum of $3 quadrillion.

A whopping $3,014,170,389,176,410 is the dollar figure so far sought from some of the largest claims filed against the federal government over damage from the failure of levees and flood walls following the Aug. 29, 2005, hurricane.

Of roughly 489,000 total claims, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said it has received 247 for at least $1 billion apiece, including the one for $3 quadrillion.

"That's the mother of all high numbers," said Loren Scott, a Baton Rouge-based economist.

For the sake of perspective: A mere $1 quadrillion would dwarf the U.S. gross domestic product, which Scott said was $13.2 trillion in 2007. A stack of one quadrillion pennies would reach Saturn.

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Edited by vacguy

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You know it was a terrible thing in Orleans, but lets start with some facts,

The very first person sued should be Naggen the Mayor of the city, ALL local and State goverment for at least 10 years have stolen and misused federal money to get those levee's corrected

Yes the Feds didnt respond like we would have liked, our dept. went on for days on, if we get hurt its on you, when guys wanted to go down and help.

This, its President Bush's falut is what we deal with today, one's own responsibilty, the politicians of New Orleans are the ones that should go to jail for their stealing and total not caring for the people they serve.

Lets see:

New Orleans is shaped like a dish bowl and under sea level

Is located on the gulf of Mexico

Corruption is expected since its New Orleans

So for all this time nobody knew those things were going to pop and its the Feds who are the bad guys.

There doesnt seem to be ANY responsibilty for a politicaisns actions.

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Well being that most of the houses I was in were worth about maybe 20 grand, I would say its over inflated. The 7th Ward was disgusting before the flood, all the river did was clean out the trash!

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An act of God! Not man made, nobody's fault! Lawsuits like this are, well, tasteless! It is amazing that you can basically sue for anything. If you were watching the weather channel and were any bit concerned you would have left sooner than waiting for someone telling you to get the **** out of dodge!

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You know it was a terrible thing in Orleans, but lets start with some facts,

The very first person sued should be Naggen the Mayor of the city, ALL local and State goverment for at least 10 years have stolen and misused federal money to get those levee's corrected

Yes the Feds didnt respond like we would have liked, our dept. went on for days on, if we get hurt its on you, when guys wanted to go down and help.

This, its President Bush's falut is what we deal with today, one's own responsibilty, the politicians of New Orleans are the ones that should go to jail for their stealing and total not caring for the people they serve.

Lets see:

New Orleans is shaped like a dish bowl and under sea level

Is located on the gulf of Mexico

Corruption is expected since its New Orleans

So for all this time nobody knew those things were going to pop and its the Feds who are the bad guys.

There doesnt seem to be ANY responsibilty for a politicaisns actions.

Couldn't have said it any better myself!

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