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ALF Century's & Similar

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With E-166 on the block for sale in South Salem, what remains of the ALF Century's (and similar cabbed older models) in the county?

My absolute favorite rig to drive was the old Millwood E-247 a 1976 8V72 powered ALF Century. It looked great, was fast, and at times was the only rig around that could pull a draft and maintain it from tough static water supplies or streams (think Mt. Kisco's stream behind the Main Street Shops).

It also sounded great. You could hear it pull out of headquarters on a winter day when the leaves were off the trees from over a mile away. You never had to worry about being cold in the winter because the Detriot made so much heat that the dog box was like a furnace.

I can still hear the vibration of the Marrs 888 on the roof and the sound of the old mercury switch alternating the red lights outside the front window.

I joined MFC at 16 in March of 1993 and drove that beast from March of 1995 until it was gone at the end of 1998. As far as I could remember, that rig was never OOS until just before it was replaced by the Sparten/3D in 1998. They just don't make them like that anymore.

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My company purchased our 1962 ALF 900 series back in the late 80s from our city and we just acquired our 1981 ALF Century.

In NY I know of a few Century 2000s around, Greenwich, CT, Vigilant FC in Great Neck, New Windsor in Orange County, Long Hill in Trumbull CT has FDNYs old Century Maxi Water unit.

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