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From: New York City Transit Walk-In Heavy Rescue

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It's used for duplicating city services that already exist and cost the tax payers even more money.

and no where else does that condition exist?

How many half a million parade ponies are in the tri state area?

There is one town near me, .9 square mile and 3600 people, with a 110 foot ladder, no large setbacks and the biggest building is 2.5 stories with 4, 85-100ft ladder companies with 3.5 milles of their station.

My county has 17 rescue companies with vehicles of comparible size to a FDNY rescue.

28 911/Public safety dispatch centers

etc, etc, etc

Edited by NJMedic

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It's used for duplicating city services that already exist and cost the tax payers even more money.

So basically the same way there are 225 Engine Companies, 39 ladders, 32 tower ladders, 59 Rescues, and 3 Hazmat units in Westchester County alone?

It's funny, I seem to recall a time when FDNY turned over rescue responsbilities to the NYPD because when the city was burning down they didn't want the added responsibility nor could they handle the volume. Now with fire codes, commercial alarm and sprinkler systems, and a significant decrease in the number of fires, many FD's have turned back to rescue work and now even dabble in EMS runs to justify staffing and budget. I have absolutely nothing against firefighters or the work they do, but I can't understand those individuals in the fire service who feel that they are pretty much entitled to rescue work just because they are a firefighter. It's not okay for any other emergency service to take a part in rescue work, but when FD's want to jump into the EMS field... well that's just totally acceptable and okay.

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