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Additional Information: Serious MVA in Norwalk 15 Jan 08

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Its rare for us to be able to follow-up on the fruits of our rescue efforts, especially for particularly serious incidents. Sometimes, we walk away from these events too curious for our own good about the eventual outcome.

Joe Coppola's post from 1/15/08 was in reference to a trauma victim who is a co-worker of mine. My co-worker's recovery progress is now being posted on a blog. She is recovering, though it's obviously a painful and unpleasant experience. It's obvious that the work that was done on that early morning out on the Parkway was of the highest quality. She left ICU yesterday. The fruits of the rescue efforts in this case are extraordinary.

I hope anybody who worked the incident goes to Pogopaws for updates on her recovery. It's nice that EMTBravo can help close the loop for those who worked so hard that morning.

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Thanks for posting that follow up. As we discussed in PMs, I am both shocked and elated that this woman is recovering. I have to say, I had an awesome crew on the Engine that night, two of my senior most crew members treated Amy in the ambulance and one drove the ambulance rig. LOTS of credit goes to Justin (paramedic) from Norwalk Hospital and his EMT-I partner (not sure of his name) for some superb work from the medical/transport end of it. Good job all around and God Bless Amy in her recovery.


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