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From the guys who brought you, we invite you to check out!

It seems like you Jersey folks are having a good start to the year with the launch of EMTBravoNewJersey, and now! I hope everyone will enjoy BOTH boards and take advantage of all the resources we're trying to bring to the emergency services community. :)

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Good luck with the new site! But I'm sticking with my 'Bravo!

I must point out though, it seems funny that was launched last week, and now this new site was launched this morning. Why not just work together?

I also did a search, and it seems has registered too amongst other domains. Do I smell a competition brewing? Is and trying to get a piece of the EMTBravo empire, lol? I must ask why?

Edited by FF402

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I believe is a member of this

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I'm sure you also noticed while you were checking the domains that was registered last July, and EMTBravoNewJersey was registered last month? The Bergen site has been on the back burner for some time now, as guys have been asking us about it for over a year on Seth's site is very broad, encompassing the entire state, whereas the Bergen site is very specifically targeted to just that county. I fail to see any reason the two boards can't coexist and compliment each other. Neither of us are charging membership fees, and most if not all of the expenses are paid for out of our own pockets. To say nothing of all the long hours we all put in bringing you guys sites like these. If that goes unappreciated, well so be it!

Incidentally, we (myself, Seth, Brian, Tommy, et al) are all registered on each others sites, with some of us being or having been staff members on the other board(s). I think that alone shows we do, in fact, have a good relationship.

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I wish Brian luck with his new venture!

I must say that I think that we'd be better off synergizing our resources, obviously feels differently but I feel there's room for both of us right now. puts out an excellent product, and does a great job providing a communications resource for Rockland County's Emergency Services as I'm sure they'll do with as well. Although people have aksed me why I haven't expanded into Rockland, it's because I felt served their needs and there was no need for me to create a forum and potentially take away from that.

I want to make it clear that I'm not out to compete with anyone. It's my policy only to start new forums where I see a need for them, where they currently don't exist or are underserved by existing forums. I don't want to take away or detract from anyone else's forum efforts, as I feel people don't have time or energy to read and particpate in several forums regarding the same area on top of all the other internet content that's out there. However, I still feel strongly about EMTBravo and the areas we've expanded into recently, and feel we offer very unique websites. Whenever possible, we try to form alliances with existing sites, like we've done with and to provide the best possible forums we can for those areas. Although no one "owns" any territory and it's completly free enterprise, we still have THE best staff, and THE best members, whom are the heart and soul of our forum, and no one can ever compete with that!

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