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FDNY Firefighters to Vote No Confidence against Scoppetta

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Union vote will target Scoppetta



December 6, 2004

Disgruntled firefighters are expected to pass a "no-confidence" vote

tomorrow against Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta.

The vote by delegates of the Uniformed Firefighters Association is symbolic,

but it reflects a seething discontent in the 8,400-member union over the

lack of a new labor contract and a crackdown on what the Fire Department

considers a high rate of medical leave.

Union President Stephen Cassidy declined during an interview Friday to

discuss what might come out of the meeting, but several delegates have been

talking about some sort of job action, which would be illegal under state


"I don't know where it's going," Cassidy said. "I called the meeting to

discuss the leadership of the department and the commissioner."

The firefighters and the union have been battling for months over issues

like sick leave, random drug testing and discipline, but everyone agrees

those problems become bigger whenever firefighters have been working without

a contract for a long time.

"I can guarantee you that a contract headache will juice the [absence]

numbers more than any number of [emergency] runs," said one senior fire

chief, who has retired. "I could look at the [absence] numbers on any given

morning and know how the negotiations were going."

FDNY spokesman Frank Gribbon did not return a call for comment, but in the

past, he has said that Cassidy's criticism of Scoppetta was "ridiculous,"

and said the union leader was trying to get elected.

The old contract expired in the summer of 2002 and the Bloomberg

administration has said publicly that all unions will have to settle for a

deal like many civilians workers got last year: a 4 percent raise spread

over three years and a taxable $1,000 bonus.

The unions representing uniformed workers have rejected that offer, or

anything close to it. The Patrolmen's Benevolent Association is in

arbitration hearings and a ruling is expected in February or March.

That would cement the civilian settlement pattern and ensure that

firefighters, correction officers and the superior officers in those

uniformed work forces got the same deal.

The union membership might decide to oust Cassidy and his executive board

when they come up for re-election early next summer with that settlement as

a foregone conclusion.

Cassidy has denied that his criticism of the department and Scoppetta had

anything to do with his re-election. Just three weeks ago, Cassidy said that

Scoppetta "isn't qualified to head the department."

Last week, Scoppetta ordered that staffing on 49 engine companies be reduced

by one firefighter, to four, because the 7.53 percent absence rate violated

an agreement with the union and it was costing more than $1 million monthly

in overtime to fill the fifth slots.

The commissioner also transferred 20 firefighters with what the department

considered high absence rates - more than 30 days in each of the past three

years. One of those transferred was Edwin Anzalone, also known as

"Firefighter Ed," who was at the Meadowlands yesterday cheering on his

favorite football team, the Jets.

The union has a court action pending against such transfers and said Friday

that it hoped for an expedited hearing on its case from U.S. District Court

Judge Dora Irizarry of the Southern District.

Sticking point

Firefighters' sick leave, a thorny political issue, includes line-of-duty

injuries and is calculated based on lost hours, not the number of

firefighters who are absent.

June 1994: Then FDNY Commissioner Howard Safir warns of dire consequences if

the absence rate does not drop.

1996: Uniformed Firefighters Association and department agree that FDNY can

reduce staffing levels if sick leave exceeds 7.5 percent.

September 2001: After Sept. 11 firefighters only called in sick with major

injuries, and the absence rate was as low as 5 percent.


'94 10.64%



'97 1996-2000: About 6%




'01 8%*

'02 8.5%*

'03 7.9%*

'04 7.53%*


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Firefighters Vote "No Confidence" In Commish

Dec 7, 2004 4:14 pm US/Eastern

The city firefighters union took an unanimous vote of no confidence in Fire

Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta Tuesday, saying he has put people at risk by

reducing the number of firefighters on many city fire engines.

Scoppetta responded that Uniformed Firefighters Association President Steve

Cassidy was trying to bolster support among his membership ahead of an

upcoming union election.

"I understand Steve Cassidy's unhappy," Scoppetta said. "Steve's got a lot

to be unhappy about. He faces an election in six months and he's done

precious little for his membership."

The firefighters union is upset because the department last week reduced

from 60 to 11 the number of engine companies that have five instead of four

firefighters. The reduction in staffing of the city's 197 engines was

triggered by a high rate of sick leave under a provision of the city's

contract with the firefighters.

The fire union said reduced staffing increases the chance of a firefighter

or civilian being injured or dying in a fire.

"It's impacting the entire city," Cassidy said. "It's compromising public

safety in a way that I don't think has ever been done before."

The firefighters also criticized what they called Scoppetta's punitive

approach to firehouse discipline problems, which have included a

high-profile series of drinking and drug-abuse cases.

In August, three Bronx firefighters were charged with breaking department

rules by having sex with a woman in their firehouse. One has been fired.

Cases are pending against the other two.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg defended Scoppetta, saying, "the fire department

union should probably step back and look in the mirror."

"We will not tolerate turning a fire house into a brothel," Bloomberg said.

"We're not going to tolerate firefighters drinking when they're on the job."

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First, I want to say I have a lot of love and respect for the FDNY not only after 9/11 but long before that having several friends on the job as Firefighters, Lieutenants, and a Batt. Chiefs.

The FDNY does an outstanding job of firefighting and rescues hands down, No other department like them in the world!

BUT..... You gotta wonder is Scoppetta really looking to screw them or do the right thing? The department which as we all know has had some really bad press.

Assaults, Arrests, Sex, Drugs, Drinking, several off duty DWI's. This is NOT the FDNY I once knew. It's sad... No laughing matter.

I stand behind Mayor Bloomberg and Fire Commish. Scoppetta. CLEAN UP THE DEPARTMENT!!! But don't make it a political thing.

I understand where "The Union" is coming from but as mentioned above "step back and take a look in the mirror."

God Bless the members of the FDNY.

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