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From: EMTBravo.COM Is Back

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Can you really make up your mind because there are alot of members that stay strong for the depending on your mood, you deceide what you want, which is not fair. We all wake up on the bad side of the bed alot. Make a decession already as to what you want to do. Enough is enough; your games of emtbravo needs money then it dosen't is not going to cry me a river much longer. I want to help the site, but i want to know where the money is going. I learn alot from the site, but the bs of the site is on or off again is hurting other members who want to join. Please tell me where to donate and to help the cause. I have had it with the banners or the "please help me" plea... if you are going to keep the site up then do so; WE WILL HELP YOU. And yes I know what your boys are going to say " if your not happy with the sight then don't log on and go some where else" Can your boys think of something else? The members have spoken: leave the sight the way it is. Tell us where the money is going and I and WE will help you. My membership supports the site as everyone knows by looking at X635 Photos. Let us help but tell the truth and the truth will help you and the site.

MODERATOR NOTE: Deleted because there is no content other than the quote of another member.

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