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What's all the smoke?

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Anyone know what's going on just off 9W in the Tomkins Cove area? From Charles Point(Peekskill) across the river, it appears to be a medium size brush fire on the side of the mountain. Very Large and heavy smoke plume drifting north toward the Bear Mtn bridge.

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Wow...round 2 for the brothers and sister in Rockland for that area. I'm sure you remember a couple years ago when it was burning in early August. Fireline could be clearly seen during the night and was a rare (and in a way nice) backdrop to Entergy fireworks on the other side. Wonder if its in the same area or another, I didn't think that one section would be able to burn for some time again after the last. Was neat to watch the helicopter drops back then though.

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It looks like the area across from the RESCO plant ,slightly north of Indian Point. I remember that area burning for quite sometime, actually the entire mountain up to the Peekskill Bay area back around 1979 or 1980. We were able to see it for what seemed like weeks from our high school classes.

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yea i was out lookin at it tonight around 11. They seem to be knocking it down very well when all of a sudden another big fire popped up to the left

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I can see it out of my apt. window and around 1am it was flaring up again. Then around 3am when I went to bed it had rained and it there was no visible flame and this morning there was no smoke so I assume the rain we had overnight took care of it.

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