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Therapeutic Hypothermia Credited in Saving Patient

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Robert Bidwell's heart stopped last week while working at construction site in Glenbrook. He had a 100 percent mortality rate going into Stamford Hospital's emergency room, and because SEMS technicians cooled his body temperature to prep him for emergency angioplasty, that rate was reduced to 1 percent after 40 minutes.

Full Story:

As mentioned in the article, the patient was on the fourth floor of a construction site, and SFRD's Tower Ladder was utilized to remove him. Good work to all SEMS and SFRD personnel involved, and best wishes to Mr. Bidwell and family.

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GREAT SAVE BY STAMFORD EMS......100% chance of mortality turned to 1%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I can say is wow.

Please tell me that this treatment is being strongly considered in Westchester.

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Please tell me that this treatment is being strongly considered in Westchester.

Westchester has alway lagged horribly behind surrounding areas, especially the SouthWest region of CT. I doubt we'll see it in the field this decade unless as a "study".

As for the Stamford save, thats awesome. Congrats to SEMS on a great call and perfect implementation of a new treatment modality and thus proving it works - well.

Edited by WAS967

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I hate the media. They make it sound like were it not for ice packs and cold saline he was xxxd. His risk of mortality went from "nearly 100%" as Dr Nero stated to 1% because he got that artery opened up. In every study of every system world wide the single biggest factor in survival in bystander CPR. His co-workers saved his life. They need the atta-boy here. The fact that he had a shockable rhythm after being down for 15 minutes is a testament to the efforts of his co-workers. This is in no way to diminish the great job and hard work put in by SFD and SEMS but just because core cooling is the latest toy doesn't mean it made the difference. Early CPR by his co-workers, hard work by the responders, efficient egress, and short time to cath are what saved this guy.

Edited by jack10562

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Anyone know if REMO has this? I bet if they don't they are working on something. Too bad other regions havent learned from some of the success REMO has had in giving their paramedics more latitude.

Edited by Goose

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Hey, Maybe REMO is reading this?

GREAT JOB SEMS, SPD, and the Co-Workers who

all together SAVED A LIFE!

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