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NFL Helmet communications

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Posted: 08/14/2008

NFL installs new coach-to-defense communications system

NFL offensive coordinators have literally had the ear of their quarterbacks since 1994.

Beginning that year, coaches were allowed to discuss plays and strategies with their quarterbacks before the snap via a coach-to-QB communication system inside the player's helmet.

This year, for the first time, defenses will enjoy the same benefit. Like their offensive counterparts, defensive coordinators will designate a player to wear a "live" helmet equipped with a Motorola transmitter.

Beginning this year, one defender on each team will wear a "live" helmet marked by a green dot, such as those worn by quarterbacks.

Two defensive players will have "live" helmets, but only one of those helmets can be on the field at a time. If a primary player's equipment malfunctions or he sustains an injury, only then can a backup player's "live" helmet be used. Offensive and defensive helmets with the communication capability will be identified with a prominently displayed green dot.

Link to the full article can be found at

Edited by SteveOFD

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