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Mutual Aid Response(neighbors working together)

31 posts in this topic

It's amazing how funding for emergency services are struggling to maintain staffing and funding, but our legislators are willing to spend millions so that special interests can thrive.

You make a good point about having a successful simple paper system and how it will be hard to justify upgrades following it's success. It's a double edged sword. We need immeadiate help and if we are successful in implementing a temporary system the policy makers will view it as a final solution.

To help combat the problems with staffing a CAD system, I feel that a portion to the solution would be to give each department a computer format that they must provide the necessary information to the county in. Then as the county recieves the information, it can be downloaded into the system instead of manually imputted. I realize that this takes time and money to develop but at this point we need to be looking at long term solutions anyway.

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