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Stamford gets the TurboDraft

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While watching News12 tonight, I saw a short piece about a new piece of equipment acquired by the Stamford Fire Rescue Department, called the TurboDraft.

TurboDraft: Fire Eductor

Looks like a good solution for getting water from static sources that you cannot get close enough to draft from conventionally using hard suction.

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Which machines are going to carry these? I would think E7, E8 and E9 at least, since they respond first-due to "non-hydrant" areas... Anyone have the official word?

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Which machines are going to carry these? I would think E7, E8 and E9 at least, since they respond first-due to "non-hydrant" areas... Anyone have the official word?

Steve Oh!! Exactly right on all 3 machines plus we just have to get the Chief to poney up the MOOLAH!!!!! <_<

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I worked a couple of small jobs in N.H. where these were used. At both fires we had a couple of rooms going pretty good. They seemed to work just fine (I wasn't the Chauffer). At both the supply rig was a good 25-35ft from the water source with a slight incline and managed to get and maintain a decent flow. Both times the supply rig was able to feed the attack engine directly, so I don't have first hand knowledge of how well this works keeping up with tanker ops. The guys there say they regularly use them and are happy with it. They also say that they usually have no problem keeping up when supplying tanker shuttles either. Based on my limited experiences I would say these are definitely worth a trial run here and would probably be money well spent.

Stay Safe


Edited by FFPCogs

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