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Does anyone know what exactly is taught in the FDNY EMS Haz-Tac training program? Im trying to establish a similar unit in my service.

I need to know what the class subjects consists of.

Any one with any infomation to share about the Haz-Tac BN , Id love to hear it!


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JBE: Thanks for your pm! Im basically interested in if Haz-Tac medics go to NFA ALS Haz Mat and other specialized schools.

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send me your email adr4ess and I'll give you as much info as possable. I was in fdny haz-tech class #1. this was actually the second class. the first class was when it was only nyc-ems

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Firedawg18: Thank you! PM sent.

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I just mainly need info on what subjects are taught in the Haz-Tac course. Also I am interested in the Haz-Tac specific gear that is in use. My department is part of a COBRA team and we may already have a lot of the same stuff. Please every one any help here will be greatly appreciated.


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The class is 80 hours, broken up approximately 60/40 lectures/skills. Some of the topics covered are what you'd guess: toxicology, radiation,research (use of ERG, NIOSH Pocket Guide, Chemtrek, etc.) decon, medical monitoring (obviously emphasized), WMD/NBC/CBIRF, etc. The book we used last year was "Emergency Medical Response to Haz Mat Incidents" by Stilp & Bevelacqua, Delmar publishers. We use 60 minute Scott bottles with the new LED/CBIRFN facepieces. The suits are level A, level B's non-encap made by Dupont Tychem. If i remember correctly the course meets the requirements for NFPA 473-Standard for Competencies for EMS Personnel Responding to Haz Mat Incidents. I was only a student, not an instructor, but i thought they did an excellent job. A great deal of time was spent on toxicology and chemistry (oh no, not the Krebs Cycle!!!). I remember the IC saying the course was same as the HazMat-Technician course, except they replaced the mitigation module with the medical monitoring module. I hope this was of some help.

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MGMedic: Thanks for a huge help! I actually have a copy of the text you mentioned "Emergency Response to HazMat". I am very interested in this concept. Yesterday I presented my proposal to my boss on a very similar response option for our department.

By the way, how can I get some Haz-Tac items like tee shirts, patches, hats Etc? As a collector I havent found much.

Thank you again...I will probably have more questions to ask you as I go along.


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Ok: Here is a another question that Id like to get info on.

What kinds of Haz-Tac specific medical equipment is being used?

Are there things such as specific HazMat drugs carried. How about specialized airway adjuncts like the Oxylator? Any help is greatly appreciated guys!

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As far as FDNY EMS HazTac....No specialized airway equipment. As far as meds, just the usual.....amyl nitrite, sodium thiosulfate, sodium nitrite, KI pills, Mark I kits.

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Thank you MG Medic: Except for the KI pills everything thing else you listed is on our state's list of authorized medications. I also heard that you all in Haz-Tac Bn are issued Gamma Pagers. We are looking at also using some type of radiation pager detector.

Thanks again

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All the HazTac ambulances carry a RadAlert 50, always on the dashboard. That measures alpha, beta, gamma. re: the KI pills. They are very cheap and sold OTC.

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MY proposal for a "haz-tac" similar unit for our services has gone foward now. Every one seem very interested in the idea. MGmedic : More Questions my boss wants to know:

1. What kind of ambualnce is used for haz-tac units?

2. Where do you store SCBA bottles on the unit?

3. Are haz- tac medications carried in a different box/bag /container that conventional EMS meds and kept seperately?

4. Do you have a haz-tac specific recertification every year?

Thanks again for all your help!


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I remember the IC saying the course was same as the HazMat-Technician course, except they replaced the mitigation module with the medical monitoring module.

It actually sounds a lot better than the Hazmat Tech class. Usually HazMat Tech classes are 24 hours unless you do the EPA one (which is rare around here) which is around 40 hours. I think with all the medical additions you mentioned, I'd much rather take the HazTac class.

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I took the 40 hour tech class and it was interesting to me but I would rather had done the same type of class that Haz-Tac medics go to. I like the idea of rplacing mitigation with medical monitoring.

Too bad there is no national HazMat medic standard.


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1. Currently we are in the same ambulance as the rest of the FDNY EMS units. There is talk on new HazTac ambulances with a compartment between the cab and pt. compartment for storage of suits and scott packs.

2. different units keep the SCBA's in different places, although if you know the layout of a FDNY bus there isn't much to choose from. On my unit, we have black canvas (i think) gym bag-like from SCOTT that we keep them in. we make sure they are easily accessible from the outside.

3. All non-traditional meds are stored in a sealed "antidote kit".

4. Best case scenario, we are sent to a 5 day refresher every year at the EMS academy. They do an outsanding job there with the minimal resources they are given.

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3. All non-traditional meds are stored in a sealed "antidote kit".

What kind of ToxMeds do you guys carry? I'd imagine the usual Mark-1 kits and maybe extra valium. But do you carry anything like Methylene Blue, Amyl Nitrate, etc?

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scroll up 7-8 posts ago

ah....thanks...sorry about the missed read. I try to log on as frequently as possible but due to the volume of posts some get missed. Problem is that PHPBB likes to reset your last read marker if you are inactive for an extended period of time. I've gotta see if we can find a fix for that. I can only read so much in one sitting, and this board is VERY active.

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Our team is taking the Texas A+M WMD EMS course this week and it is a good review of WMD awareness so far. We will be performing ALS and BLS procedures (simulated) on their life like manikin toady. Do Haz-Tac crews get priority on classes like this?

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I guess you aren't too familiar with EMS's roll in the FDNY, haztac or otherwise. We get no priority. We are at the very bottom of a very looooong list. When it comes to sending us "away" for training, it never happens.

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MGMedic: You are right. I am not familiar with how anything is in the FDNY. I have however heard a lot of horror stories about how bad EMS has it up there. Thank you for the valuable information in previous posts. And if you or anyone reading gets the opportunity to attend the EMS OPS WMD class from Texas A+M, you will enjoy it.

The course would probably be a review to you (MGMedic) and any haz-tac medics but I recommend it any way.

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Ok Guys, Its been since February that I posted something on here last. Is there anything new going on for the FDNY Haz-Tac Bn?

MGMedic: You are right. I am not familiar with how anything is in the FDNY. I have however heard a lot of horror stories about how bad EMS has it up there. Thank you for the valuable information in previous posts. And if you or anyone reading gets the opportunity to attend the EMS OPS WMD class from Texas A+M, you will enjoy it.

The course would probably be a review to you (MGMedic) and any haz-tac medics but I recommend it any way.

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Not really. They are slowly converting some units to haztac, all dependent on time/$ for training. The few ALS haztac units chosen for USAR duties are still waiting to complete a majority of the training, although the first two, 12Z in Manhattan (my unit) and 35Z in Brooklyn are being sent to all collapses, confined space, etc etc. We are looking forward to the US Marines' CBIRN team, which is coming to drill in the near future. Those guys are on the money when it comes to anything hazmat.

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