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From: "Benefits" of being a volunteer

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I hope you feel that my comments have been constructive. I believe my friend Bnechis would be able to provide more specific info to further elucidate my points above, such as how many total apparatus, vehicles and fire department facilities we have in Westchester County, both career and volunteer, and how many we would need with a regionalized ddepartment and the resultant savings. Maybe he also has info. and numbers regarding the total cost to the State of the various tax breaks received by volunteer departments and the LOSAP program, etc., etc. He is much smarter than I am.

Of course, I am not naive. These changes will happen slowly, if at all, but as a previous poster mentioned, progressive minds dream.

You are incorrect in stating that I am trying to achieve resentment and animosity. That is not the case at all. However, I have certainly felt those emotions directed at me on this forum, and it doesn't feel very good, so I'm truly sorry that you and others feel this way. I try my best to treat people respectfully, and make a positive difference in the world. I will plead guilty to being an intense, strong willed person who loves the fire service in general and my own department in particular. I like to debate issues, and try to get others (and myself) to think "out of the box" and maybe look at things differently than they have been. I am fully aware that this can make people uncomfortable and defensive, which is why I always end my posts, with, you guessed it, qtip...

Oops, maybe one of the moderators who is more tech savvy than I am can put my responses in the right places, thanks

Edited by Chris192
Adjusted quotes as requested. This post deleted.

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