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From: Fox News - "Crazy Ambulance Driver"

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Are you kidding me.... :blink::blink: This person who ever he may be, should be suspended, or even throw out of the ambulance core.... The fact that they were video taping the entire thing, I saw this video of You tube awhile back (I am going to say a month ago.) I didn't want to post it on here because of the plan disregard for life and property. Yet alone the fact it brings down Peekskill VAC as well as EMERGENCY SERVICES as a whole. The fact that they stop after every thing that this driver did, in the original you tube to point out what was wrong, goes to show you that they had no regard for life and property. Isn't the first rule of driving, any emergency vehicle is to "DO NO HARM".


I don't know you at all, but I do read your post on here. Where some of them are very helpful in bring a topic to life. Today is not one of those days. Wether you are defending this person, or Peekskill VAC... You are wrong to play "devils advocate." In fact, by you playing devils advocate... It would make some people belive that you were ether involved in the video, or are trying to help this person, making it sound like he did nothing wrong... That is just my thoughts....

This is a very sour subject for me. My ambulance core my involved in a accident, a few months back... Where a person died..... Even thou my crew exercise do- regard... Things happen.... The fact that this person thinks it's cool to play around with a BIG TRUCK..... God forbid a kid came running around, just as this driver passed on one the stop signs he blew thru..... What happen if the fire truck god forbid got into an accident.... Do you think the driver of the ambulance would have enough time to stop....

Remember folks..... And this is for everyone Paid and Volunteer..........Just because we are given certain freedoms in driving emergency vehicles..... Doesn't mean we are exempt from destiny...

RANT OVER............

" C O R P S "

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